Journey Into Wholeness Series

August 8th – December 5th, 2024

Using Nuerogenic Tremors & Yoga to Bring Wholeness to the Mind & Recover the Nervous System

Life has a way of getting the better of us at times. Whether it is constant stress that piles up, feeling left behind from rapid change, or it’s a shock to the system that never quite leaves us the same afterwards, the very act of living life can be like moving ahead with a part of ourselves missing. Yoga is one tool for living more whole. Yoga is great at releasing stress and calming the nervous system. TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) are great at releasing the deeper holding in the nervous system that tends to surface at inopportune moments.

This series will explore and deepen your use of both of these tools to bring you new horizons, clarity of mind, and freedom of being. Unprocessed events hold themselves in the body and thus we will guide you on your journey through the body to clear out where you’ve felt stuck. This will take place in nine sessions: Four Primary Sessions of 2 to 2.5 hours and 5 “Tune Up” Sessions. You can sign up here.

Tune Up 1 : Introducing Nuerogenic Tremors Aug 8, 6:30p


Primary Session 1 : “Letting Go of the Story” SAT Aug 8th

Easier said than done, we know. If yoga teaches us anything, it’s that rather than command your mind to do something (like “let it go”), it will often be more proficient to work it through the body. This is exactly what we will do in this week. Modern Research suggests what yogis and embodiment workers have known for a long time…. that dwelling on the past and old stories often not only doesn’t help, but it can reinforce unhealthy patterns. In this session, we will learn to do exactly this with the body… by going into extraordinary states of the nervous system that move it towards regulation and learn to let the old stuff go.

(NOTE: Do not consider these sessions a substitute for therapy. These sessions may complement clinical sessions, but as always, if you have concerns or have been in or recommended medical mental health care, consult your medical professional).

Tune Up 2 : Activate THR Sept 5th, 6:30p


Primary 2 : “Open to the Organic” SAT Sept 21st

Once we establish homeostasis in the nervous system, we are ready to explore the disconnect between our self sense and the human organism. This disconnect is often the cause of our holding onto past wounds and lack of processing. When we clear the nervous system, and come into attune-ment with the inner organism, we can begin to integrate the parts of us that have been cut off. The more alienated parts we can bring back into the fold, we become more than the sum of our parts. We become more whole.

Tune Up 3 : Flow More THR Oct 3rd, 6:30p


Primary 3 : “Befriending the Other” SUN Oct 20th

Only once we open to Spanda, the organic rhythms that permeate us, can it be accessible to bring the blind spots and alienated parts of ourselves back online. Now that we have set up these processes in our past two sessions, we will now dive into the felt sense of what is incomplete. Incompleteness cannot integrate incompleteness. This is why Sessions 1 & 2 are essential. From our wholeness and attunement to the inner organism, we can reach out and include more.

Tune Up 4 : Engage THR Oct 31st, 6:30p


Session 4 : “Reconnect to Self, Re-Enchant Reality” SUN Nov 10th

The more deeply we get into rhythm with ourselves, and make ourselves whole, the bigger, brighter, better we can be in the world. We can Re-Enchant Reality. Whether you call this Wonder, Mystery, Divine, Love, or anything else, it is the entire purpose of the journey. The journey begets enchantment with reality itself.

Tune Up 5 : Go Wild THR Dec 5th, 6:30p


Series Led By: Alex Pfeiffer, a eRYT500 Certified Yoga Teacher, Certified Nuerogenic Yoga & Certified TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) Provider.