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YACEP : Yoga Nidra Deep Dive

Yoga Nidra Deep Dive : YACEP (continuing ed for certified teachers)

Prep Work: 3+ hours of online video content (provided upon sign up) outlining Yoga Nidra Theory

Live Meetings: Friday May 17, 6:30 - 9:30pm & Saturday May 18, 11am - 2pm

Credit: 9 YACEP hours (6 live, 3 online)

Teacher: Alex Pfeiffer, eRYT500

Course is open to anyone

This Training will introduce you to the Practice of Yoga Nidra or "Yogic Sleep."   The Goal of Yoga Nidra is to induce a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like when you are about to fall asleep.  It is a state in which the body is completely relaxed, and you are guided through the basic states of consciousness as represented by the 5 koshas.   It is a type of lying down “meditation”.   (Note that this is a more beginner description as Yoga Nidra is not technically meditation)

The teacher leads the student through a “meditation” designed to take one from a relaxed body gross state (alpha brainwaves), to the middle subtle states (theta brainwaves), to causal & turiya states (delta and gamma brainwaves).  Many find Yoga Nidra to be an extremely restorative practice, but perhaps more importantly Yoga Nidra is a very accessible journey through the central spiritual states.  

What You Will Get in this Training: 

  • Yoga Nidra Script Examples and Theory so that you may create your own scripts to teach or (record and) self practice to.

  • Important (and sometimes seldom used) preparations for Yoga Nidra.  

  • How to deliver the Sankalpa via the Six Stages of Leading a Yoga Nidra.   

  • Why some may benefit from not doing all six stages.  

Note: This is a YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider®) class. It is therefore a universally recognized (through Yoga Alliance) continuing education program for certified yoga teachers who may count these hours for their required RYT Continuing Education Hours. This training is open to curious non-teachers, but will not be able to count for YACEP Credit without an existing certification.

Because of the amount of Prep Work, we recommend signing up ahead of time and will not allow sign up the week of the training.

Sign Up Here: $95 Early Bird (May 1) , $135 after

July 11

YACEP : Chakras, Individual vs. Systemic