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YACEP : Chakras, Individual vs. Systemic

Chakras, Individual vs Systemic : YACEP (continuing ed for certified teachers)

Live Meetings: July 11 & 25 6:30 - 9pm + July 21 2:30 - 5pm

Credit: 7.5 YACEP hours

Teacher: Alex Pfeiffer, eRYT500

The world of Chakras can be a challenging one to navigate. This is because there are so many systems of working with the Chakras and then there are mix-match ones that are not very coherent. A part of a broader understanding the Chakras is that there are multiple systems that divide roughly into looking at the chakras and individual parts of a bigger system as well as ones that look at chakras as an inseparable whole.

We will cover this full spectrum of Chakras in a way that you can take them into your teaching. With a little theory and a lot of practice we will outline the Chakra System with this introduction which will range from a more traditional Hatha Yoga look at the Chakras to later developments.

Note: This is a YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider®) class. It is therefore a universally recognized (through Yoga Alliance) continuing education program for certified yoga teachers who may count these hours for their required RYT Continuing Education Hours. This training is open to curious non-teachers, but will not count for YACEP Credit.

Sign Up Here: $85 Early Bird (June 30) , $120 after

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